Robert Calleja

Robert Calleja
Chief Financial Officer
Legacy Partners

Robert Calleja is Legacy Partners’ Chief Financial Officer, a position he has held since August 2012. As CFO, Mr. Calleja directs Legacy Partners’ capital markets, financial planning and analysis, risk management, and information technology functions and oversees all other financial aspects of the company. Mr. Calleja has closed acquisitions of almost 19,000 apartment homes exceeding $3.9 billion in cost, closed loans of $2.7 billion, and overseen the disposition of over 24,000 apartment homes for $3.9 billion.

Mr. Calleja has been involved exclusively in real estate acquisitions/development, financing, and dispositions for 23 years. He joined Lincoln Property Company in 1997 and became the Vice President, Finance of Legacy Partners in 2003 and Senior Vice President, Finance of Legacy in 2009. Prior to joining Lincoln Property Company, he was a Real Estate Consulting Manager for Arthur Andersen, LLP. He is an associate member of the Urban Land Institute.

Mr. Calleja graduated cum laude from the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics, concentration in Finance. He also holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of California Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.