Lori Sokol
Founder & Publisher
NY Residential
Entrepreneur, scholar, and psychologist, Lori Sokol, Ph.D. is President of Sokol Media, Inc., the publisher of Difference Matters, Green Matters and NY Residential magazines. Through these publications and a body of other work, Dr. Sokol covers a number of pertinent social issues including gender equality, the needs of working parents, environmental sustainability and strides made by female professionals determined to smash the proverbial “glass ceiling.”
Passionately committed to addressing these and related topics, Dr. Sokol strives to empower individuals to triumph over gender-related societal limits so they can reach their full potential unhindered. She does so in the male-dominated real estate development industry by profiling women who are successful in all areas of this field including real estate development, finance, law, engineering and architecture. Previously the host of the weekly radio show, ‘Work Life Matters with Dr. Lori Sokol,’ on 1490 AM WGCH, she is also a published writer on issues relating to work/life balance in major market newspapers including the Baltimore Sun, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Slate.com, and the Huffington Post, and has been interviewed on a variety of television news programs including MSNBC, CNBC, WPIX and Fox Five Live.