Kyle Clayton
SVP – Florida
ZOM Living
Kyle joined ZOM in 2003 as an Investment Analyst and was integrally involved in the market research and underwriting of ZOM development projects in various regions, as well as the conversion and sale of multiple apartment communities throughout Florida. In 2005, he was promoted to Development Manager and has been involved in the capitalization and development of over 9,800 multifamily units and associated mixed-use components. As Senior Vice President, Kyle currently oversees the development aspects of all projects within the state of Florida. Prior to ZOM, Kyle initially worked within the audit group of a Big Four accounting firm, and subsequently worked for Paradigm Properties. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and a Master of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Real Estate Studies, both from the University of Florida. He is a member of the Builders Association of South Florida, and the Urban Land Institute where he sits on their Multifamily Product Council.