Fred Gortner
Co-Founder & Head of U.S. Strategy
Paladin Realty Partners
Frederick Gortner is a co-founder, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer of Paladin Realty, where he leads the firm’s U.S. investment strategies, including its value-added apartment platforms. Mr. Gortner is also involved in many aspects of the firm’s investment activities, management and operations. He serves on the firm’s investment committee. Prior to joining the predecessor of Paladin Realty in 1994, Mr. Gortner was a Principal with the Tucker Investment Group, Inc., a Los Angeles based real estate investment and development firm, as well as a co-founder of Enterprise Management, Inc., a real estate property management company. He began his career at Chemical Bank (now JP Morgan Chase) in New York working on real estate related transactions. He has been a member of various industry organizations including the Pension Real Estate Association, the European Association for Investors in Non-listed Real Estate Vehicles, the Inter-American Dialogue and the Urban Land Institute. He has served on the boards of several civic organizations and led various public-private initiatives including business improvement district formation and zoning code reforms. He is a licensed California real estate broker.
Mr. Gortner graduated from Duke University with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Liberal Arts. He also graduated from The Anderson School of Management at UCLA with a Master’s degree in Business Administration, where he was inducted into the Beta Gamma Sigma national scholastic honor society and awarded the Wittenberg-Livingston Academic Fellowship for real estate studies.