Daniel Jaramillo

Daniel Jaramillo
Chief Executive Officer
Strategic Properties

Daniel Jaramillo is a visionary leader in real estate investment and management, recognized for his relentless commitment to innovation and excellence. With a strong foundation in Economics and Mathematics from FIU in Miami, Daniel laid the groundwork for a remarkable career that has reshaped the property management landscape.

In 2006, Daniel founded SP, a groundbreaking venture aimed at building a top-tier property management firm. Leveraging technology and a dedicated support team, SP focuses on optimizing property performance and exceeding market expectations. Whether as a partner, owner, or third-party manager, Daniel has consistently improved the outcomes of every property and transaction associated with SP.

A significant milestone in his career was co-founding SP Developments, focusing on multifamily properties in Texas and Florida. As CEO, Daniel leads this visionary enterprise with a development pipeline of nearly 800 units in Texas and 1,200 units in South Florida. His vision for SP Developments is rooted in the effective use of technology and engineering innovations, creating exceptional multifamily properties that cater to residents’ unique needs and desires.